Thank you for your interest in partnering with for promotional purposes. Our goal is to create the best website community, so we are laser focused on our audience and providing them the best experience and resources available. For this reason we only promote and share products that we personally use and consider to be the best option(s) available.

The following is our guidelines for promotions, advertising, sponsorship, and affiliate relationships.

Promotional Guidelines

We regularly launch our own products and services, and as such, we are reserving much of our promotional calendar for our own internal needs and are taking on very few outside promotions and sponsorships.

Consideration of Companies and Products

Due to such high demand, we only review and consider new companies, products, affiliates, and promotions once a month. If we are interested in your product or service we will reach out for more detail after this monthly review.

Promotional Timeline

Our promotional calendar is consistently booked up three months in advance, so we are unable to accommodate or consider requests made for promotional events or sales within a 30-day period or less. Our focus is on education first and foremost, so all promotions must fit within our editorial, seasonal, and promotional calendars. For this reason, we are rarely able to fulfill requests to promote on a specific timeline and can only work in promotions, sales, or links in a way that is natural and at our sole discretion.

We do not offer specific date requests for any promotions (with rare exception). Existing affiliate partners and companies we work with can let us know when events or sales are happening but we cannot guarantee we will promote on a requested schedule.

Types of Promotions Available

At this time, banner space is the only type of paid promotion that we have available. These are booked one month at time, and since our website is rapidly growing, prices typically increase every six month. If your company is interested in securing any available slots, please let us know as soon as possible before the cost goes up and open spots are entirely filled.

Due to our audience response, we are no longer promoting docu-series, summits, ebooks, book launches, or similar products and events.

For products and companies that meet our strict quality guidelines and are a perfect fit for our audience, we will on occasion add in links to existing blog posts or new articles, but these are handled on a case-by-case basis at our discretion and on our company timeline.

Advertising Guidelines

All advertising on INOWYSE is handled via our marketing agency. All requests for paid ads on the website should be directed to Daniel Dives.

If you have additional questions about these policies and guidelines, you may contact our advertising and affiliate manager here.

Thanks again for your interest in working with INOWYSE. We appreciate your interest and your understanding of our promotional policies.